I had both when I was a kid!
I stared at the dolls for a long time reminiscing. I remember that the peaches and cream dress was the nicest dress I had for my dolls. The rocker doll was given to me by my Aunt Vivian and I never really appreciated that doll... the heavy eyeshadow scared me. And her super curly hair was difficult to comb and style. But I loved her clothes. I don't have my dolls anymore. We disposed of most of our old toys when my family sold our home in the province and moved back to the city.
I was contemplating buying both for Andrea so she can play with them when she's a little older. But the price tag put me off:

I still think it would be great if Andrea can have something similar to what I had before (I wonder if Barbie is still something little girls will like 5 years from now...).