
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Revisiting Durian Garden

Back in 2007, my sister-in-law and her family took my husband and I for a visit to the Durian Garden in South Cotabato. And I never realized how long ago that was until now, when I am writing this post and had to check the date of that previous visit. Anyway, it's a garden where the main attraction is... you guessed it! Durian! They even have this cafe where all they serve are Durian ice cream, Durian pie, Durian candy, and a whole lot of other Durian products. 

I'm not overly fond of Durian and its smell, but my husband  is forever trying to turn me. 

We didn't have Andrea yet when we visited last time, so last December when we were visiting his family down south, I asked if we could take Andrea to visit the farm. And so we went.

Elements from: Happy New Bear by Starry Eyed Designs
Needless to say, I have hundreds of photos from that short trip, most of which I'm sure you will see in my future layouts. 

Seriously, since I started digiscrapping, I feel that I take vacations for the sole purpose of taking photos to be used in my layouts. Do you ever feel that way?!? Addict much.

I made this layout for Scrapbook Bytes' 1st Color Challenge for January 2013.

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