
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday Totally Unsponsored Post - Part 2

Ack!! There is a part 2! My credit card is going to get a workout...

NOTE: I am not buying everything I post here... I can only wish :) I will post which ones I did get by the end of this weekend.


I rarely buy CU items because I'm not really into designing. But there are times I do give it a shot so here are a couple of GREAT deals I found at theStudio:


Saw a blog post from Sekada Designs that she's having a sale over at Digital Crea. 1 Euro for the kits below!

Sekada Designs have other promo/mini kits for only 1 Euro each here.

And Digital Crea also marked down a lot of other kits to 1 Euro for Black Friday. There are entire bundles from Paprika... 1 Euro each!


How about templates? You like templates? I found some great dollar deals for templates too:

My favorite stacked templates from Dagi's Temp-tations (and I am not saying this because I am part of her CT... I really love these stacked paper templates):

My other favorite:

Go check out Dagi's store for more $1 deals.

Template sets from Fiddle-Dee-Dee, also for $1 each:

Go check out Fiddle-Dee-Dee's store for more $1 deals too.

And again I will have to stop part 2 now because there are several items in my cart waiting for me to click "checkout".

REMINDER TO SELF: Pay credit card on Monday. I hate being in debt.

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