
Friday, October 5, 2012

Alternate Layout: Old School 2

I've been posting about my participation in theStudio's Layout Artist Competition which was held last month. I got as far as Week 4 but I didn't win, which I expected :) What I didn't expect was to get as far in the competition as Week 4.

For the last challenge, we were asked to create 2 layouts for theStudio's September mega-kit. 

This was the first layout I made:

Elements from theStudio's September Mega-kit: Old School
In all my layouts, I am not really comfortable using paper strips unless I'm using a template and I didn't know why I picked this time to start. LOL. Anyway, I wasn't too happy with the layout so I tried to make another one. 

Since I already spent a lot of time on the clusters, I decided to use the clusters again in the new alternate layout I made:
Elements from theStudio's September Mega-kit: Old School
I looked at both layouts for a long time trying to decide which one to submit. I finally ended up submitting the first one since it looks "cleaner" to me. 

And since I didn't want all that effort I put in making the second layout go to waste... I decided to share it here with you anyway :)

I can't wait for the next Layout Artist Competition next year! I joined another contest this month but I haven't even started creating what needs to be created. More on that next week ;)

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