
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The best things in life...

... aren't things.

I have always loved this tagline that I first saw over at my friend's blog. I decided to use this quote for one of my layouts.

Elements from Every Day's Charm add-on kit by A-liya
That's a photo I grabbed from my daughter's pre-school FB page. One of her teachers took the photo. I'm so happy she seems to be having so much fun at her school.

I made this layout as part of Scrappity-Doo-Dah's Birdcage Challenge for August 16-31, 2012.


  1. Happy for Andrea too! I remember your FB status message when Andrea pretended to fall asleep again.. thinking that it was another day in school. At least ngayon enjoy na enjoy na niya. Galing!


What do you think?