
Friday, August 10, 2012

Life is Messy...

Elements from Wild Child Add-on kit by Simple Girl Scraps
I am thankful that the scattering of colorful elements around the photo sort of masks the actual mess that is my living room.

Due to weather conditions, Andrea didn't have classes all week. Hole up an energetic toddler who gets bored with whatever she's doing every 15 minutes at home and our living room always looks like a tornado hit it... or in our case, a tropical depression. Ha-ha, pun not intended and that non-typhoon tropical depression that hit us was definitely not funny. Anyway, thanks to pre-school, at least now Andrea knows how to "pack-away" so she sort of puts stuff back where she got them. I say sort of because she's 2 years old... and the way she puts them back is not always perfect.

But I would have a messy house any day to a house submerged neck-deep in flood water so I am not complaining. 

I made this layout as part of Scrappity-Doo-Dah's Birdcage Challenge for August.

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