
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Scrappin to the Music: Beautiful In My Eyes


Probably the cheesiest, sappiest layout I have made to date ;)


There's a challenge going on over at Scrappity-Doo-Dah called 'Scrappin to the Music'. For the month of March, the challenge is to create a layout where the theme is a song that has been on your mind lately. It was a fortunate coincidence that when I first saw the challenge last week, I was just listening to one of my all-time favorite songs on the radio on my way to the office.

"Beautiful In My Eyes"

Do you know this song? I love it! First heard it at my 18th birthday party when the DJ played it. Though I was still single at the time, and will remain single for quite a few more years after that by choice (I Kissed Dating Good-bye was a really, REALLY popular book for young Christians around that time), I couldn't get the song out of my head. I was thinking that when the time comes, that was the life I want to have.

And though there still aren't any lines upon my face (thank you, Olay! -totally unpaid for advertising), I think my husband and I are on our way there.

And my husband will probably kill me if he finds out I posted this photo online, haha. This photo was from our engagement shoot before we got married. He tried several times to beg off and kept asking me why we needed an engagement shoot. We both aren't the... errr... you can say we aren't the "romantic" type (we don't celebrate Valentine's Day remember?). I just told him our photographer offered to give us the out-of-town photo shoot session for free. FREE. Out-of-town. How could I have turned that down???

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