
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Last call for the My Memories Suite giveaway


Hey guys, if you haven't joined my giveaway yet, you still have a few hours to do so :)

I will be drawing the winner tomorrow at 10AM my time (here in the Philippines, GMT +8) so the giveaway contest will remain open until then. I have a meeting between 10AM - 12NN tomorrow though, so I will be announcing the winner after that. 

To those who already joined, you can increase the chances of winning by earning additional entries. Check out how here. Please leave a separate comment for every additional entry condition.

Let's find out who wins tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear... finally check out 'most' of the scrap book kits and our favorite have to be... Girls Category - Sisters Pack!...or maybe Girls R Us... haha... all are too good!

    love - pc


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