
Thursday, January 20, 2011

T-Shirt Refashion: Braids

I've been cooking this idea in my head for a while and was only able to find time to make it happen a few nights ago. Surprisingly, it didn't take as long as I thought.

This is what I had to work with:
I bought it last December because it looked so comfortable (loose and the t-shirt material was really, really soft). And it was on sale!

I actually wore it and found out that there were several things wrong with it:
Yes, I actually wore it!
The loose fit added like another 10++ lbs to my frame X( Not good... not good at all.

I thought about what to with it. I figured ruffles won't work with the fabric design (wide stripes). And then one day, I saw one of my office mates wearing a blouse with braid detail along the neckline. I thought about giving it a try.

First, I had to do something about the shoulders. I was too lazy to remove the sleeves, adjust, and then sew them back on again. So I "cheated" :) From the inside, I made 3 small folds and then sewed about 2 inches across both shoulders (sorry, I don't know how to describe it... but I hope the photo will tell you what I mean).

Next, I tailored the sides to give the shirt a little shape.

And then I cut 6 long strips from an old red t-shirt. I hand-sewed 3 strips together and braided, and did the same to the remaining 3 other strips. And then, I also hand-sewed each braid to 2 sides of the neckline and knotted the ends at the center.

Here's my finished product:

See why I don't need the extra lbs??


I still have a couple more shirts that need work. I need new ideas :)

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