Yesterday, as I was selecting photos that I want to print, I discovered that we lost all the photos we had from November 2007 to February 2008. I still don't know what happened to them.
I remember that before we got our external hard drive, I was backing up all photos in CD's. From what I remember, we had 21 CD's: Volume 1-20 already had printed covers (I print covers which lists all the files in that CD so I'll know what's in them) and the last one. Volume 21. had no cover and no marking but it was inserted in the sleeve right next to the 20th CD. When we got our external hard drive, I know I migrated all the files in our laptop and in those CD's.
I had a lot of friends who got married near the end of 2007 and I was looking for those photos yesterday when I discovered the missing photos. When I got home, I checked the back-up CD's and discovered that both Volume 20 and 21 were missing! I found an unmarked loose CD just inserted between 2 sleeves and when I tried to check it's contents, I discovered that the CD was already corrupted (I don't know why! There was no scratch on it). Volume 21 is still missing.
I checked the laptop and as expected, I already deleted all photos earlier than June 2008 from the hard drive. I uploaded some of those photos in our Multiply account but those are no longer high resolution copies. I can live with losing most of those photos but I wish my brother has a copies of our photos from New Year 2008 in his PC :(
the cd may be corrupted if you'd unconsciously burned a virus/worm along with the pix. this happens with flash drives, too.