
Friday, January 17, 2014

Beautiful Things from Sayuri - Part 1

Last December, my blogger friend Divya celebrated her blog's 5th anniversary with giveaways. Divya is a talented jewelry designer behind Jewels of Sayuri and I have always loved visiting her blog to see the beautiful things she makes. I joined the jewelry giveaway and imagine my surprise when a few days later, I got an email from her saying I won.

I won... yes... me who never really wins anything much, WON!

*insert happy dance here*

And today, the package arrived!!

All the way from India.

Inside the package...

Don't you just love her business card?

And inside the box? Coming soon next week. I want to take nice photos to do justice to my prizes and right now, I only have my camera phone. 

Can't wait to try them on!! :)

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