
Friday, December 14, 2012

On Birthdays and Ageing...

Aside from getting tired more quickly, I really believe I stopped ageing at 23. With every birthday that passes, I still feel... ME.

And so my birthday this year came and went. I had several plans for that supposedly special day which I never really celebrate but all those went down the drain because my daughter got sick and I had to spend the day taking care of a sick and cranky toddler instead. And hubby, trying to cheer me up because I have been pretty depressed lately, came home late because he bought me a gift and he got stuck in traffic. 

At the end of the day, before I fell asleep, I checked my email and guess what I found? I received birthday greetings from my digital scrapbooking forums AND some of the greetings came with coupons. Birthday gifts! 

Here's me sharing my birthday gifts from the digital scrapbooking world:

From Scraps N Pieces: a coupon for one Store Collaboration kit. I picked this one:

From Gingerscraps, a set of Birthday coupons. YEY! I am going shopping soon!

From theStudio, a kit:

Thank you thank you so much!

To end this post, I would like to share an article I found a few months ago:


  1. Ok, so Diane's birthday is either today... or yesterday... or tomorrow. And somehow I've missed yours too. The typically organized perfectionist has slipped once again...

    At 33 I was a pastor's wife, teaching music and kindergarten. With an 8- and 5-year-old, I loved my life at 33... just as I do now.

    My lovely Janelle, you will get out of each year what you put into it. Give it all you've got. It goes by so swiftly, and for every blessing, give thanks. Give thanks that little A's not helpless and doesn't have to be pushed about in a wheel chair. Be thankful for a husband who loves you and his child. Be grateful for breath in your lungs and blood coarsing through your veins. God has been so very good to you.

    I hope your little one is feeling better, and that you had a beautiful birthday. What sweet sentiments you received. People are so thoughtful, and YOU are reaping what you've sown.


  2. Hi, My name is Pope and by the way amazing blog post! I hope you can check my blog back too! I am new here in the blogging industry, and I would appreciate if you take a look of my creations too! I blog about my artworks :)


  3. I missed this post and your birthday too. Ang selfish ko, December din pala birthday mo. December 13, 14 or 15 ka b? Hindi ko ma-figure out. I read the article and I believe na tama ka. Kasi by the time I turn 33, matatapos na ang mga financial obligations ko and by that time, I hope I would be as happy and as fulfilled as you are.
    Wishing you all the best for 2013!


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