
Monday, September 3, 2012

theStudio Layout Artist Competition 2012 - Week 1

theStudio has some great challenges this September as part of it's birthday bash for 2012. They have a designer contest, a layout contest, and a lot of other stuff. I decided to try the Layout Artist Competition. It's an elimination contest and according to the competition mechanics, around half of participants will be eliminated after the first week.


Let's see how far I get :)

Here's the kit we were given to work with for Week 1:

Black Holes by Nibbles Skribbles. Available at the Studio.
When I get kits like this, I begin to feel the absence of little boys in my family. In any case, here is my layout from this kit:

Elements from Black Holes kit by Nibbles Skribbles
The photos are of my niece and my daughter during their time together last summer. It did feel like an alien invasion at our house with little people running all over the place except for the fact that they weren't green. Good thing they're cute. That made it bearable :)

Anyway you can check out theStudio's gallery for more beautiful layouts created by other participants in this competition.

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