
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Cold December Morning

I've been digging up vintage photos for my layouts this month and my sister screamed her protest when she found out I was using her photo. She said she can't believe she falls under "vintage" already (i.e. she turns 30 this year... and ok, ok... maybe she's not "vintage").

Elements from: Spring Antique Add-on by Dana's Footprint Digital Design
That's her and our cousin... um... ah... 28 years ago maybe? :) To be fair, I told her I'd scan my baby photos too for my layouts this month. Only I don't have time to scan... and maybe she can do it for me *crossing fingers*

I made this layout for Scrappity-Doo-Dah's Birdcage Challenge for September 1-15, 2012 and this is the mini-kit we were given to work with.

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