
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

School... school and more SCHOOL

Most of the forums I participate in have back-to-school theme challenges because classes start at September in North America and other countries. For us, it starts in June. Which is good because that meant I have pictures ready for these challenges!

"Notebook Doodles"
Elements from "The Wheels on the Bus" collaboration kit by Scraps N Pieces
I made this layout for Digiscrap Talk's Gold Ticket Challenge for August. I didn't know there were challenges at DST and this one I only found out by accident last weekend. I wanted to make the layout look like doodles though never in my life have I been able to doodle something this good. The watercolor splatters were inspired by what I see in Andrea's artwork which I see in her notebook whenever she brings it home ;)

"School Girls"
Elements from "Back in Session" kit by Sweet Digiscraps, Template by Rainy Dayz Designs, Chalkboard Monogram by Story Rock
I made this layout for Scrappity-Doo-Dah's Template Challenge for Aug 16-31, 2012.

They're not sisters... But I like matching them anyway ;) I bought matching monogrammed shirts for Andrea and my niece Helaena (their names are printed on the side, hidden on the photo) and those Hello Kitty glasses are just so cute! Still too big for both of them, but so cute I couldn't resist buying those for them anyway. They have a lot of other matching t-shirts which I'm sure will be featured on my other layouts. 

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