
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just keep swimming!

It was a very loooong weekend for me... and yesterday was a looooong day.

Andrea's nanny took a week's vacation to go home and that meant that my husband and I had to take turns taking Andrea to school and staying at home with her. My turn was Thursday and Friday... and then the following Monday and Tuesday were non-working holidays here in the Philippines.

Since I work full time, I always appreciate it when I get to spend extra time with Andrea. So I had a 6-day long weekend but I didn't really get to do much. I was able to complete a few layouts, but not as much as I expected. I just joined Andrea in her games. It's always "Mommy, lets go to my tent!", "Mommy let's go to my room upstairs", "Mommy let's go downstairs", "Mommy let's read a book!", "Mommy let's paint!".

Anyway, here's one layout I was able to complete:

Elements from Underwater Story by Aurum de Loram
I got the kit free from Coolscrapsdigital newsletter last week and I love the cute elements and bright colors I had to scrap something with it. The photo is of Andrea with her nanny when we went swimming at a resort last year. Andrea has always loved the water and has been asking for swimming lessons. I wonder who taught her that??? I told her I'll take her next summer.

I made this layout as part of Digidesignresort's Theme Challenge for August. The theme for this month is to scrap a photo with water in it. This layout completes the 6 requires layouts I need to earn their free kit:



  1. What a super fun page. I like how un conventional it is. Way to go!


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