
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heart of a Friend

Andrea doesn't have a lot of playmates. Since she was born, the only other kid she sees on a regular basis is Helaena. A little before she turned 2 years old, I noticed that Andrea seems a little scared of other kids. In play areas we visit, she would cry when approached by another child. It's one of the reasons why I decided to enroll her in pre-school early.

Anyway, last December, we visited my husband's family in the province. There are a lot of nieces and nephews around Andrea's age there but as expected, Andrea didn't want to play. 


Elements from: Musical Flowers collab kit by Aiyana and Le Petit Scrap; Wordard by Studio4

she met cousin Gigi :) For some reason, she likes Gigi. Maybe because this little girl is so friendly and fun and didn't mind so much when Andrea stayed quiet the first few minutes when they first met each other.

I made this layout as part of Digidesignresort's Wordart Challenge for August.

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