
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mommy and Andi

I finished quite a number of layouts over the weekend and the past few evenings. The Studio has a new featured designer for March 16-31, Digilicious Designs. For the Featured Designer Challenge for March 16-31, Digilicious Designs provided this mini-kit:

The challenge is to create a layout using only the elements from this sampler kit. Here's my layout:

I used photos from our recent trip to the Manila Ocean Park. There have been several additions since the last time we visited (a few years ago)... and the Park has incurred several environmental violations regarding their use of animals for their attractions, which is sad. They already lost their WWF accreditation, which was highly publicized when they first opened their gates to the public in 2008.

I was trying to explain to my 7-year-old niece why we are not watching the penguin and sea lion shows... but in spite of my simple pitch about cruelty to animals, I don't think she understood. She asked to go specifically for the penguins and sea lions. We ended up watching the sea lion show, but skipped the penguin show.

It was also my first time to sea the Jellies section. And I think they are my new favorite things to photograph. With the play of lights in the aquariums, the whole scene looks surreal. It was a little challenging though, since flash was not allowed.

Here are some photos of the jellyfish aquariums:

1 comment:

  1. wow those jelly fsh photographs are totally HHMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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